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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Barabara's Gardens

When I did the Jones Center Craft fair, I met some wonderful people. One of them was Georgia, the new owner of Barbara's Gardens, a local garden center in Springdale. She invited me to sell my wares in her shop, and even featured my work in her tv commercial!

Growing up, my dad owned a local garden store and I spent many happy hours dusting and stocking shelves of garden supplies and dead-heading plants. There's a smell about it that I just love. I feel really at home there and it's no surprise that I would gravitate to outdoor mosaics. I have three more pots to create sitting on my work table and I'm just waiting for an idea to pop into my head.

So if you are in the northwest Arkansas area and are looking for some garden inspiration, rare plants, dirt, compost, statuary or even a garden related gift, stop by. It's on 71B in Springdale, kissing the border of Lowell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so happy that your pieces are a hit.

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