From adorable dimpled darling to the Queen of Resourcefulness...Quirky, creative, and always before her own time...made pretty curtains for our tree-house...kills spiders with her bare hands but would nurture anything that had two live cells left...she taught me to keep house like an art-form, cook up comfort, and find luxury in the simplest things...I rise up and call you Blessed.
Thank you Sweetie......that was a surprise because I didn't even remember those pictures, and as I look at them, I can see my own dear daughters and grand-daughters and I am blessed indeed....thank you, and thank Jesus....
I just love the pics! Is this something that you frame and use in your house? Nostalgia is great for the soul.
mom-ism: "always keep at least one cobweb in the corner of your living room, so people know you're human."
why do you put marbles in the bottom of the teapot again? i always forget....
love you mom! bappy hirthday!
You put marbles in the bottom of the teapot to keep mineral deposits from building up.
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