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Monday, May 15, 2006

Potpurri II

A mish-mash update:

Mother's Day was fab-tas-tic. My hubby took the kids out to a donut shop first thing in the morning and left a thermos of coffee on my night stand with the remote for the tv. I slept in for the first time in....when was Mattie born???? After a couple of cups of coffee and watching "Breakfast at Tiffanies" on AMC, they arrived home with presents and cards: kid's-choice jewelry from Walmart (so cute), a flea-marketting magazine, a detailed map of the area so I can find sales faster, and a new set of sheets...the ultimate in home-sweet-homeness. Then we got dressed, went to an estate sale in Fayetteville where I made out like a bandit, then a picnic at Wilson Park. As the icing on the cake, we went to Home Depot where I indulged myself in a pile of paint-chips and priced toilet-seats. Arrived home, where hubby got a much-deserved nap, ordered a pizza for supper and watched our fav shows until bedtime. This is my very definition of the perfect day.

This is a pic of what I made for our moms for Mothers day: my mom's had a monogram letter on it and Mars (my mother-in-law) called to tell me that her Mom had a set of the dishes that I used for hers. I liked them so much that I made one for me!

We are expecting to begin moving things into the new rental this week. We're going to do it piecemeal until school is done and we get a day or two together to pull the whole thing off. We are paid up at the storage unit for another month, so hopefully, we'll be ready to have a big garage sale in four weeks.

We're still expecting some news from the bank in Michigan. They have been discussing letting us just pay interest instead of principle, which would cut our payments down quite a bit.

Tonight, I will be playing the role of the grading fairy. Hope my wings still fit after the binge yesterday.

Tomorrow, Robb has a pot-luck teacher's I need to think up something for that and in the evening, there is an Awards program for the kids.

Wednesday is a "normal" 9-5:30 day and whoo-hoo...watching ALIAS. SO happy to see 'Sark' back! Love the evil genius.

Thursday is Mattie's last day of school (and Robb's btw) and there is an afternoon carnival for the whole family. Robb works that night.

Friday is the long day when he works 9-10

Saturday is almost too far away to think about.

Grocery dilemma: we have three cans of crushed pineapple and a head of lettuce and a bottle of bbq sauce in the fridge. In the freezer, a massive beef brisquet that was discounted so much I had to buy it for a moving celebration meal. Don't really want to move groceries, but don't want to starve either....Oh, scratch that. We have pancake mix. It's all good.

I reached my red star in ebay! That means I got my 1,000th unique positive feedback comment. I have also been invited into the power seller program. While basking in that success, I got an email from a person I sold a revereware teakettle to. She is upset that this item was made in Korea when she thought that all Revereware was made in the USA. She is also dissappointed that the spout cover doesn't stay open unless she holds the button down (unlike her old one that had a lock on it) and that the copper on the base is so discolored. "I guess I'm stuck with it, but I'm not happy." She wrote. Really? REALLY? I'm lying awake at night wondering how we are going to meet the basic human needs of our family and she has her knickers in a bunch about the underside of her teakettle? You know how you make things into verbs that aren't really verbs? I'd like to clean her teakettle for her.

87587: This really deserves it's own entry, but I will sum up by saying that this the name of my children's elaborate immaginary Spy School. Their teacher's name is Mrs. Lemon Drop and they have many a wild adventure on a daily basis in the name of "spying." Calvin has set up an "office" on the kitchen bar, stacked with his important spy school stuff which he has asked that I please NOT pile anything on, since it is his "important work." He spends hours sitting at his office, busily working on his spy school work. It is "hard work" he tells me. It includes a lot of codes and clues and secret messages.

So that's a few things that are going on. I know there is much more that I haven't even attempted to write about, but the day is getting away from me and I have a "glamour" set of ebay items to list.

See, I really am made-over at the mere thought of painting something!


Anonymous said...

Shoot, we've had paint for our bedroom for almost 3 weeks now, I haven't found the energy to tackle it. If you really want to paint that bad, and it is so cathartic . . .

Vanessa said...

You'd let me paint????

Anonymous said...

You had to ask that, didn't you?

Having painted professionally back in Alma after the eschaton of Trinity, I have a hard time with anyone else's painting proficiency in my own home. Much to my wife's chagrin I might add. It is an area that unfortunately brings my perfectionism to the surface real quick.

It would kind of be like if Courtney let someone come to her house and attempt to bake in her kitchen, all the while knowing how it should/could really be done better or more efficiently. (Come on Court, back me up here . . .)

Robb Ryerse said...

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

No - it's SuperResponsible Man!

Vanessa said...

okay but here's the thing. My dad was a professional painter for a time too and taught me everything he knew about painting. I've painted 1,2,3,4,5....going on six houses now, getting better at it all the time and always kinda figured I could use painting as a back-up if I really needed to. I can cut-in without tape....ask Robb...of course, only with a really good angled real-hair brush, though.

So there.

I wouldn't let you paint my place either.

Then again, I might, knowing that you are probably the only person who is almost as anal as me about painting.

oh, and Court is off-line now and won't be coming to your rescue.

Jim said...

i found your blog by accident, raised so many kids myself (surrogate father, me), had to look around. scorpio love to stay home all the time, and move furniture, reorganize the place, great stress reliever, and do you remember the 'girl next door' song of johnny cash? that man was super singer and writer.

the teakettle piece is hilarious, i loved it, lol, you got it right, go ahead, make your living, let her figure it out, lol.

the kid with the 'important stuff' on the bar, secret codes and stuff, well, hey i am a kabbalist, and when i was a kid that is what i did, listen, that kid is practising for some very important stuff, don't think it ain't something. Kabbalist do secret readings (not really secret just 'hidden') in the hebrew text of the old testament original manuscripts, see, that kid may be gonna grow up and do some strange things with that talent. lol.

great blog, hope you don't mind me enjoying myself with your material, it really is appreciated, keep at it. thanks.

Vanessa said...

Thanks Jim! have fun...nothing is more interesting than ordinary life!

Sara said...

glad to see that you had a great mother's totally deserved it

Vanessa said...

Thanks you guys! M, thanks for the offer...I may need to take you up on that. Today, while I was painting the bathroom, they got into a bag of cement and dusted each other from head to toe....What did I expect? After all, it was literally the only thing in the house for them to get into!

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