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Monday, July 16, 2007

What's in your Wallet?

You know those dumb Capitol One commercials? That's not what this post is about. It's actually more just for girls...and the real question is, what is in your purse? I just reached into mine and pulled out a wet pair of underpants (Charleigh's, not mine) and thought, "I wonder if other people have a wet pair of Dora The Explorer undies in their purses?"

Here are some of the other odd items I have currently:

an all-purpose tool which once caused me to be put on the list of dangerous people in airports

a smashed granola bar and two Twizzlers

sparkly fish stickers

Chik-fil-a coupons

a copy of Mud-house Sabbath by Lauren Winner

A hair-pick. I haven't had a perm in about 15 years, but I carry a hair-pick.

The CD's my friend Candice made for me

19 envelopes full of grocery coupons

Sara's copy of their marriage survey for our next pre-marital session

My other pair of glasses...which are handy because sometimes I forget to wear my other ones and have trouble seeing the garage sale signs.

Notice I don't have any makeup, not even a chapstick. Nor do I have any medication. Or wet wipes. Or kleenex. Or band-aids (they used them all). Or feminine products. I am basically worthless in an emergency, unless you need a knife.

So what goofy things are in your purse?


Anonymous said...

music flashcards, tide-to-go pen, paperclips, lip gloss, ipod, full-size calendar, mini purell, singing spray and crate and barrel catalogue......

"walk softly but carry a big purse"

Anonymous said...

yes, I DO have wet Dora the Explorer underware in my purse--sisters in all things!
I also have a bazillion coupons just in case, a pez dispenser, a butterfly knife, a compact--mainly for the mirror, more pens than I should (Not sure if they were really mine to begin with), "Curry" (paperback on the history of spices), enough feminine gear to help every woman in a large public bathroom, purell, Sesame Street juice boxes (usually two-one for Dora, one for Ron), everyone else's sunglasses(I can't find mine ever), and a pack of wet wipes, change of clothes and undies for aforementioned Dora and her wet panties.
The days of those ittybitty purses that could only carry your ID for the bar are so totally over.

Heidi said...

My purse isn't even a real purse, its a diaper bag. And its one of those cheap ones you get at the hospital when you have the baby. pitiful.

It's full of toys that I hope will go into his mouth rather than all the gross, dirty things he finds...a change of clothes and crumpled diapers just in case (but no wipes). some markers, face sunscreen, a piece of gum, an empty tube of diaper cream, no Dora undies, but a Dora toss-n-go bowl full of cheerios, chex and raisins. a few crumpled receipts and a 3x5 card with verses i was trying to learn, which i totally forgot about.

I'm prepared for a few emergencies, but only part of those emergencies.

gerbmom said...

Four highlighters, multiple pens, Excedrine, smashed granola bar, phone,notebook, inhaler, wet wipes, gum, loose change, credit cards (2, program from a play.....

Robb Ryerse said...

several pictures of my kids, hair rollers, a travel book about the Appalachian Trail, a Madame Alexander doll from a McDonald's Happy Meal, a McDonald's sweet and sour sauce, regular (not feminine) napkins, mousse, 3D glasses, a broken umbrella, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Emeril LaGasse

Anonymous said...

okay Robb, grab the camera--I want proof

Anonymous said...

great to know Robb has a man purse. I generally have at least one child's sock, tampons, which always come unwrapped somehow. various leftover food items, none of them mine....couldn't thank the guys enough for the old powerbar I found. Enough trash to shut down a new landfill.....I can't go on it's too ridiculous......and horrible.

Anonymous said...

I have a flash light in my purse

Anonymous said...

yeah, Hannah, how do they come unwrapped? that's a great mystery to me. I also want to know how m&m's, which aren't supposed to melt in your hand, melt in my purse.

12-arrows said...

WOW! how large is your purse? I carry a large COACH purse/I also use for our diaper bag (which a friend just purchased for me,we certainly can't afford it). I have six huggies, 1 container of wipes, one blanket, two spitup clothes, license, medical cards, keys, cell phone, infant tylenol, my inhaler, my MOPS ink pen, purell, baby lotion, mints, tissues, two Kroger receips, 1 baby food coupon, no FP as I don't need it right now due to nursing! Thats about it. I ususally keep my purse/diaper bag cleaned out and organized every single day, I am just a little OCD about having it together! Hey, thanks for all your great posts too. I love reading your blog; I get alot of encouragment from it. You pen your thoughts very well!

Amber said...

Ooo, this is fun!

2 sets of keys, more pens than I can count (I kind of have a fetish), checkbook, id, CHAPSTICK, camera, advil, phone, loose change, and of course old shopping lists that never seem to find the trash when I'm done with them.

okay, and seriously, where do you put all that stuff, Robb?

Vanessa said...

okay, Karen, what are you highlighting???

And all you pen people...I'm so coming to purse is huge, but there is never a pen to be found....

Maybe I could get Emeril in there to hold it for me...

Vanessa said...

12 Arrows...I lurk at your blog and try to imagine how you do I keep your bag organized and everything falls into place.

12-arrows said...

I am not as organized as I used to be, and for my family thats a good thing, because I think I could drive them crazy with it at times! But I am anal about my purse/diaper bag and my car. I don't like clutter or trash in either! I even clean out my kids cars because it drives me nuts! I have one son who just purchased himself a brand new vehicle and he is more OCD than I could have ever been, turns his clothes inside out when he gets in it after he works (his job is grounds keeping at a nature park). We laugh at him all the time! Thanks for your great blogs, they are such fun!

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