Robb has been out of town all of this week, and it is has been a very busy week. I wasn't able to do all that I had hoped (what else is new?) but I did accomplish a few things like...
Tuesday: we attended Mattie's 5th grade program, which was a Michael Jackson theme. How time changes everything....When I was 13 years old, only the bad kids had seen the Thriller video; fast forward a few years and my 5th grader is singing it at her elementary school and it was cute as could be.
On Wednesday I got my etsy boxes packed and out the door, ran some errands and went to help out in the GT class. They have a Shakespeare festival in a couple of weeks and it looks like I will be helping them get ready for that as long as I don't embarrass Mattie. I came desperately close when I wore mismatched earrings, but she caught it in time for me to not make her look too stupid.
Today, I worked on making the house work for us. Bills, dogs, school papers, keys and all the other stuff that goes in and out the doors needed organizing. So I put a lot of thought into getting that ready.
And we got ready for Book Character day...A tradition I love at the kids school...they have to dress like a book character, not just any old princess or Star Wars character. And so I give you, Hermione Granger, Frodo Baggins and Angelina Ballerina. And what could be the coolest magic wand ever...made from a pen, a long paintbrush, and the wonder that is hot-glue.
Lastly, I give you worms. It has been raining cats and dogs and tonight it rained so hard, that when I opened the back door to let the dogs in, I swear, a worm jumped in to escape drowning. Just look at my cement patio...covered in the wiggly little things. Eek!
As usual, nothing goes wrong unless your man is away, so it was only fitting that I discovered that the fan switch is stuck in the on position on the furnace, causing it to run non-stop (I am terrified about the electric bill). It requires climbing up in a hole in the ceiling and tapping the furnace to release it, but I am going to wait and let that be a job best accomplished by two people. The other discovery was that in all this rain, the house has no gutter spouts. It's a weird thing they do with houses here. Three gables come together to drop all the rain in one small section in front of the house where it seeped into the garage. Fortunately, I grew up with many a flood in my parents' basement, so a bit of seeping doesn't scare me. But I am utterly puzzled why they don't put gutters on houses here. It makes no sense whatever to me.
I have been busier than I can relate this week....hardly online and terribly delinquent in returning phone calls (I HATE chatting on the phone. I know, it's weird). And yet, trying to get it on paper escapes me. Perhaps I should list all the things I needed to do this week and didn't finish....then you might catch some of the urgency I feel....
oh well. Hubby is home tomorrow and that's pretty much all I care about now....
if those children get any cuter.....! seriously.
um, yeah, you and I are too much alike in all those ways that make us family....and I would call and talk to you about it but I, too, hate the phone. This hasn't been a good week even with what HAS been accomplished so I'm quite ready to throw it out like a piece of yellow legal pad paper and start over next week....right after I finish the laundry, try to make the money work with that the bills say and meet with Dora's teacher.
The costumes are superb! Much happier expressions in this picture.
Isn't it funny about the Thriller video! I also was not allowed to watch it.... now Kaishon and Sienna and Mila watch it On Demand and dance along. They think it is the coolest thing.
I still get creeped out a little thinking of Mr. Jacksons alleged Child Predator ways...
I am glad you had a wonderful week despite having 2 different earrings on one day : ) That is the coolest. I think you were just letting your cool creativity shine thru!
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