I saw this on Karen's blog and haven't been able to stop staring at it; at first, all I saw was clockwise and then mysteriously, she switched. Clockwise reveals right-brain thinking (emotive, symbols, creativity) and counter-clockwise reveals left brain thinking (logic, reason, math). Get the whole story here.
I saw clockwise for a long time until I took my focus off of her and, wah-lah, she changed direction.
I did get her to change directions while looking at her but I couldn't tell you exactly how...something to do with the length of her extended leg, I think.
The better question: is she a red head? And the follow up: If so, will Robb have a crush on her, being animated and all?
ok, i've been staring at her for about 5 minutes straight now and i can STILL only see clockwise.
So....either i'm incredibly creative....or profoundly stupid.
I can make her go either direction at will. I just close my eyes, envision which way I want her to spin, and then open. Voila. What might that mean?
you're a control freak.
if i look a certain way she just swivels back and forth. then i start to get dizzy and a little sick...hmmm?
Our theory (me and the 11 year old girl genius) . . . the computer animated girl switches legs. She changes directions every time she switches legs.
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