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Monday, April 02, 2007

I have an idea...

I proposed this to Robb awhile ago and I think it is a great idea...

TV shows should have term limits.

Yeah, if it's a good show that makes the first season cut, they automatically have a four year term limit. We all know the deadline, so we're all gonna tune in faithfully to see how they spin the story out.

If they are so good that they deserve to be on again, they take a break for a year, see if anything better comes along, and then they can be re-elected...they could gage people's interest by internet polls.

Shows like Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Funniest Videos and American Idol could be like the Judicial appointments.

Yeah, no more shark-jumping, Grey's Anatomy.


Anonymous said...

can't get behind this one since there are alot of shows out there that most people really like that I wish never existed---years of not getting to watch much tv has made me a real snob, I know. The idea that they can't be cancelled immediately would be so very frustrating. Besides, a little revolutionary overthrowing is always good for the system.

Heidi said...

Hmmm, interesting idea but I'm with Courtney. Not sure what I'd do without The Office for an entire year. Its been a month since I've seen a new episode (thanks a lot march madness) and I'm experiencing extreme symptoms of withdrawl...

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