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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Rainy days don't get me down...

While Mondays are admittedly pretty lousy, rainy days do not get me down. (This would be a reference to the song by the Carpenters, the soundtrack of my earliest memories fyi).

When I wake up to a dark rainy day, I feel relieved. First off, because it is darker, the kids usually sleep in a little later. Secondly, I feel a certain permission to go a little slower, putter a little longer, and not feel one bit bad about wearing my pajamas well past noon (as a contrast to the days when I wear my pj's well past noon and DO feel a little bad about it). On a sunny day (especially in MI when you got so few of them) I feel a certain pressure to be "up and at 'em!" Afterall, it's a nice day and you shouldn't waste it...go outside and get something done, wash the windows, etc. etc. Not so on a rainy day. There is no sunlight to highlight the grunge on my windows and obviously, its wet out there, so no sense doing outside work. No, cuddle up with a book, light a candle, relax. It's a rainy day. What a relief.


Anonymous said...

I have always liked rainy days.

Anonymous said...

we have a fair few rainy days--in contrast to any snow--during the winter months so it's our day to put in a movie for Dora, read a magazine completely, put a big pot of homemade cream of mushroom soup or beer cheese soup in the crock pot while a loaf of homemade bread rises nicely from the humidity. Sometimes we skip the movie part and load up the cd player with Lou Reed and London Suede and U2 and dance until Dora gets sleepy. I might actually get something done on my daily list but I prefer to think I made some good memories for us and that's plenty.

Sandy Mc said...

Man I wish I *could* have time for curling up with a book on a rainy day. Ness I *DO* like the way you look at it and I am gonna try to be more like that.

I am just having trouble getting past this last year and all the difficulties we had. I am SO far behind on projects and Roy is deeply swamped and needs my assistance with his website, research, and other stuff. I have also been having some minor health issues (aging?) What a difference a year makes because last year at this time was a VERY positive time. Sometimes it is very hard to get up in the mornings.

Anonymous said...

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick."

God loves you for who you are, not how much you get done.

(And I find I always get more done if I take time to do something I really WANT to do.)

gepdghy: wasn't that a song by Will Smith a couple years ago....

Sandy Mc said...

Thanks Ness...

seriously though I believe in what you stated but right now I am having trouble with real overload issues at times. A good part of the situation is because of the 1)Roy being in a tenure seeking position. Being on "probation" for the first 5 years of a job with a less than defined set of *achivements* one must accomplish is a *bit* scary (way more at our age than it was when we were your age, trust me.) We trust that God brought us here, and that He has a plan, and we hope against hope that it is for us to stay here. 2) There are some real issues regarding the setbacks we had physically last summer. Roy still needs to be careful with his back injury and I am still having pain when I do some stuff with my arms from the injury I sustained when I was rear-ended at high speed last July. There was also the time lost last summer in transporting Roy to 2-3 weekly doctor and Therapy appointments. While we appreciated the prayers of friends, some practical help would have been appreciated also. This was one of the most challenging times we have had and the first time none of our friends have cared for us in practical ways. One day when I was barely hanging on through all this I was even put in the position to wait at a friend's home (dropping Becca off) while she got home 45 minutes later than she had told me to arrive. She was late because someone in her community group had asked her to come by to pick up a meal to help out since their 5 yo had broken her arm. It hurt because I really didn't have that 45 minutes to wait....we ate fast food again that night...praising God that at least we could afford to do that, but still wondering why no one cared for us.
So, I guess you see I have some emotional baggage from that. It has been so difficult to accept that being in a relationship based church one could share needs and still feel less than cared for.
Sorry, guess I sort of got off track. I just wanted to let you know that I am the Queen of optomists by nature...but this last year HAS had some real challenges.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sandy...there is nothing like a physical problem to discourage me, too. I will tuck this info away too, about the help you needed. I confess that I am not always good about this myself, but if there is something I could ever do for you, you just call and ask me directly. I have never said no if I could say yes!

Sandy Mc said...

Thanks Ness. Like I said my general nature is optomisim to a fault (like I feel the weight of the world as I try to spead it all around me, lol)

We ARE doing so much better for the last couple months, and well, there were many blessings during the hardest times that we do not wish to *overlook.* (like we managed to help Roy keep working all summer even in the face of a few weeks of debilitating pain. For about a week he literally stood for about 20 hours a day as the only sleep he could get was from sheer exhaustion.)

I do thank you for you offer to help. Probably just having a friend who is not *needy* right who likes me even though I am wierd:) I still need your e-mail e-m me: smccann7 at sbcglobal dot net

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