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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Necessity is the mother of invention

We literally tried to skip Halloween this year. 1: the costumes I had so frugally bought during the summer at garage sales are deep in the storage unit. & 2: where would we go?

So we tried to just let the thing pass without the kids notice.

Unfortunatly, our neighbor spilled the beans, and though I tried just offering the kids a trip to walmart to pick out two bags of their favorite candy, they wailed like I was going to lop off the head of their teddy bears.

Of course, by that time, it was Sunday night and there was no way in heck I was going to BUY costumes (again!). So here's what we decided on...

A hippie...which she kept asking what they are, and we kept dancing around it because quite frankly, how do you explain that to a first grader? She looks just like my mom 35 years ago.

Clark Kent: had the superman pj shirt (with no matching bottoms) and sacrificed one of my fourteen pairs of sunglasses.

Razorback fan...because who could resist her....PLUS, no goofy hat or mask to make her keep on.

And we went to the mall, which was frankly crawling with kids, but it was warm, dry and light...very nice for little ones. The added bonus was that they don't give out much candy...lots of penny stuff, tootsies and such, so not nearly as much junk around here to share with the ants (and add to our middles).


Anonymous said...

Frankly, if those kids get any cuter...! Meanwhile the older ladies of the Bible belt think we are just the weirdest things since we didn't take Dora trick-or-treating....yeah, in the ghetto where most of our neighbors don't even speak English-- that's what we should do!About the time we showed up at their doors demanding anything, we'd probably get shot :)
Vinny really looks a little like he's auditioning for adult entertainment hahahah!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add the part where you came to our house and being the terrible anti-child freaks we are we didn't even have any candy in the house to give to the little ones! In fact, Robb made them each "share" a piece of candy with Jaye T. and I, so technically, they came to our house for candy and WE got some!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute!!!!! Very creative on your part too. I'm impressed. Miss you guys.

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