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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Pantry Challenge

As this year began, my pantry, fridge and freezer were overflowing with food.

Gifts, leftovers, holiday stuff,
special things I only buy at Christmas,
stuff I bought while my brain was on autopilot...
it was just a lot.

What started off as an effort to just eat through it all turned into a little game I was playing in my long could I go before I bought groceries? Two weeks in, I verbalized it to Robb. Three weeks in, the kids are annoyed, but are clear on the goal...No groceries until we eat what we have.  Of course, we have broken down a couple of times for bread, eggs, milk, fresh fruit and dog food. But pantry stuff, canned goods, meat, snack foods...we are holding steady.  I think Friday or Saturday is as long as I can hold out.  We have actually emptied the jar of olives. The jar with one marachino cherry.  The 1/8th of a bag of frozen lima beans.  We had gotten so lazy with food over the holiday...I think we had it down to bacon and chocolate.  It has been good to be a little more humble about what we eat. To be thankful for the lowly casserole.


Sara said...

Ah, to be thankful for "the lowly casserole" we have many of those dishes in our house. But I too am often challenged to use up my pantry. It's hard though as we tend to have mostly beans and with Carl's U.C. beans are an item that he can't have much of.

Do kids really get annoyed with food as they grow older? I should enjoy the stage that Zach is in then..."I'll eat if you place it in front of me..."

Thinking of and missing you all a lot today.

BURCHIE ( ha ha) said...

do you have a good recipe for triscuits? There was an amazing holiday sale, I was craving them, and now I have toooo much! and all the little bags of chips and weird stuff, like someone gave us pineapple salsa...which I happen to loathe, and so it goes with my family, as I am the captain of the food ship and therefore dictate their palate development....

12-arrows said...

We've done that, too, on occasion, and it is an experience every time. It helps my kids remember that others may not even have olives to eat, and to be more thankful for what is placed on the table before them. Almost three weeks, wow, girl thats nearly a record or something! awesome!

herbalmanjur09 said...

Nanah Menetes Dari Ujung Penis Obatnya Apa
Raja Singa Penyakit Kelamin
Mencari Obat Sipilis Herpes Dan Kencing Nanah
Nanah Menetes Dari Ujung Penis Obatnya Apa
Obat Gonore Kencing Nanah
jerawat pada kelamin

mengobati sipilis dengan cepat
Mencari Obat Sipilis Herpes Dan Kencing Nanah
penyakit menular sipilis raja singa
kondiloma akuminata

penyakit menular sipilis raja singa
kondiloma akuminata
Raja Singa Penyakit Kelamin
bintik kasar di kelamin

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