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Saturday, November 07, 2009

On Turning 35

I have been increasingly ambivalent about birthdays since turning 30. And turning 35 more so than ever, since you can just start rounding up to 40 now. I was pouting to Robb the other night that all the best things in my life are over. I was only about 34 percent serious....

But he said something that actually made a dent. (This is not always the case, I confess. He talks for a living and I am a "words are cheap" kind of girl...The irony isn't lost on us.)

He said, "You are better at 35 than you were at 25. Just like you were better at 25 than you were at 15." I had an instant flashback to being 25. A new mom with a terrible haircut and fresh stretch-marks. Completely lost. I had no idea who I was or how to invent myself. And 15...forget about it...maybe the worst year of my life. So 35 is kind of great actually. I'm comfortable in my own stretchy skin. I am comfortable wearing all my different hats. I have been a few places. I have something to say and I still have lots to learn. 35 is kind of powerful and awesome.


Sandy said...

Congrats on learning the secret! and it just keeps getting better and better. Take it from 55.

Jess said...

Ben said something similar to me and it helped to recognize the truth in it. I'm just a few months in, but I think 35 is pretty great so far. I went to a little workshop, by the way, on parenting on my trip and speaker challenged us to consider making our child having/not having decisions based on what God says about the value of children, stewardship, calling etc. Gulp. I'm nervous. I think I'm more apt to make this decision based on how I feel, what I think my capacity is, what I like about babies and don't like about babies, etc. Duh.

Sara said...

I'm 26 and a new mom without the bad haircut but trying to figure out how to invent myself...definately some perks but there is a part of me that just can't seem to wait to have figured a few more things out :)But being 26 is a whole lot better than being 16...

Way to go for turning 35! I'm waiting to get there myself :)

Unknown said...

Those are some very wise words. Very.

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