While we were picking up the kids from school yesterday, a massive storm blew in and dumped inches of rain in a short amount of time. The wind picked up the patio umbrella and table and tossed it over the top of the grill. The glass top shattered into a million pieces which I'm still not too sure how to clean up out of the grass. The grill seems to be fine, but a little bent up. The trellis, which had just begun to be breathtaking with purple and blue morning glories was also up-ended. I can't quite tell if they were uprooted completly, but they are not looking so good right now. A patio chair flew in the other direction and smashed my tomato plants and the wind also flattened my sunflowers. Out front, the rain pooled inches from our front door. I was so relieved that it did NOT go into the garage where Robb's library is still stacked in boxes. All in all, I think I will be most heartbroken if my morning glories got killed. I've been enjoying them for weeks now and spent a lot of time this summer watering them. It was also a relief to sense the sturdiness of the house as the wind beat against it. I'm thankful.
4.25 inches in my rain guage.
i want a rain guage
$.99 at W-M.
can rain-guaging be considered a hobby? will you then turn into one of those people who calls the local news channel to report the temperature in your neck of the woods?
willard scott
Oh come On V!! ALl this time around all the farmers here in Mid MI and you don't have a rain gauge??...they LITERALLY call each other as the last drop leaves the sky to compare across 5 sections of crops.
and BELEIVE me..I read this yesterday...and withheld saying ANYTHING about being THRILLED with ..um..well... 4.23 inches. LOL
Another 1.85 inches this morning.
That makes 6.15 inches in the last 48 hours. Now THAT's something to be happy about!!
Stop the Madness! Stop the Madness!
I'm suddenly feeling better about myself, having read this conversation! lol
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